Who We Are

Computer Stars Association of Ghana (COSAG) is a not-for-profit, non-political, and non-religious organization founded in 2019. COSAG is dedicated to empowering the less privileged through computer literacy and access to technology. We firmly believe that in today's digital world, computer skills are essential for individuals to fully participate in society, access educational and economic opportunities, and enhance their quality of life. COSAG is committed to bridging the digital divide and ensuring that every individual, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, has the tools and knowledge to succeed in the digital age which is key to contributing to quality education (SDG 4).

At COSAG we offer comprehensive computer literacy programs and initiatives tailored specifically for the less privileged. Our team of experienced educators and technology professionals design and deliver training programs that cover basic computer skills, internet usage, digital tools, and online safety. We strive to make our programs accessible, engaging, and relevant to the needs of our beneficiaries.

In addition to computer literacy training, we establish computer labs and access centers in underserved communities, schools, and community centers. These facilities provide individuals with free or affordable access to computers, the Internet, and other necessary resources. We also work closely with educational institutions, partnering with schools and colleges to integrate computer literacy into their curricula and provide training to teachers.

To support our initiatives, we actively seek donations of computers, laptops, tablets, and software licenses from individuals and corporations. These donated resources are refurbished or distributed directly to those in need, ensuring that technology is accessible to all. We also collaborate with government agencies, educational institutions, corporate sponsors, and community organizations to maximize our impact and reach a wider audience.

Measuring and evaluating our impact is of utmost importance to us. We regularly track key performance indicators such as the number of individuals trained, computer labs established, partnerships formed, employment outcomes, and educational achievements. By conducting impact assessments and reporting our results, we aim to showcase the effectiveness of our programs and attract further support from donors, partners, and the public.

At COSAG, we are driven by a passionate belief in the transformative power of computer literacy. We are dedicated to empowering individuals, families, and communities, helping them unlock their potential and overcome barriers to success. Join us in our mission to bridge the digital divide and create a digitally inclusive society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.

Main Objectives

Our primary objective is to promote digital inclusion by providing computer literacy programs and resources to the less privileged that lead to the transformation of communities in Ghana. We aim to ensure that individuals from underserved communities have equal access to technology and the necessary skills to navigate the digital world effectively.


  1. To promote digital inclusion: We strive to empower the less privileged through computer literacy, enabling them to unlock their potential, pursue opportunities, and navigate the digital world with confidence.

  2. To bridge the digital divide: We are committed to bridging the digital divide by reducing the gap in computer literacy between different socioeconomic groups. Our objective is to empower the less privileged with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the digital age, overcoming barriers to education, employment, and social opportunities.

  3. To advocate for digital equity: We advocate for digital equity by raising awareness about the importance of computer literacy and the need to address the digital divide. Our objective is to engage with policymakers, educators, and the general public to promote policies and initiatives that prioritize digital inclusion and support equal access to technology for all.

  4. To foster collaboration and partnerships: We seek to foster collaboration and partnerships with government agencies, educational institutions, corporations, technology vendors, and community organizations. Our objective is to leverage collective resources, expertise, and networks to maximize our impact, reach a wider audience, and create sustainable solutions for computer literacy.

  • Mission

    Our mission is to leverage information and communication technology to drive positive social impact and address societal challenges. The organization aims to provide access to technology, promote digital literacy, and use ICT tools to empower individuals, communities, and other nonprofit organizations.

  • Vision

    Our vision is to create a digitally inclusive society where every individual, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, has the necessary computer literacy skills and access to technology to thrive in the digital age. We envision a world where the digital divide is bridged, empowering the less privileged to unlock their full potential, pursue education and career opportunities, and actively participate in the global digital economy.

  • Core Values






Our Services

  • COSAG designs and delivers computer training programs for individuals from underprivileged backgrounds. These programs cover basic computer skills, such as operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, internet usage, email, and online safety.

  • COSAG conducts workshops and hands-on sessions to teach participants about various digital tools and technologies. This includes sessions on using productivity software, online collaboration tools, digital media creation, coding basics, and web literacy.

  • COSAG initiates and manages projects that utilize ICT to address social challenges. This involves partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and local communities to develop innovative solutions using technology.

  • As a not-for-profit organization, fundraising, and grant management are crucial activities to sustain its operations. The organization seeks grants, donations, and partnerships with corporations, foundations, and individuals who share their vision.

  • COSAG has established computer labs or access centers in selected underprivileged communities, schools, or community centers. These facilities provide individuals with free or affordable access to computers, the Internet, and other necessary resources.

  • COSAG solicits donations of computers, laptops, tablets, and software licenses from individuals and corporations. These donated resources are refurbished or distributed directly to individuals or organizations in need, ensuring they have access to technology.

  • COSAG collaborates with schools, in deprived areas to integrate computer literacy into their curricula. This includes providing training to teachers, donating equipment, and assisting in developing relevant educational materials.

  • COSAG offers mentorship programs and career guidance sessions to help individuals leverage their computer literacy skills for educational and employment opportunities. This includes resume building, job search strategies, and entrepreneurship support.

  • COSAG actively engages with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of computer literacy and the opportunities it can provide. We organize community events, information sessions, and awareness campaigns to reach a wider audience.

  • COSAG collaborates with various stakeholders to maximize its impact and reach. This includes partnerships with local and national government agencies, educational institutions, corporate sponsors, technology companies, community organizations, and other nonprofit organizations working towards similar goals.